Subject: Re: troff broken in current?
To: None <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/14/2003 09:18:24
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 09:11:41AM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> I'm running current from july 9th, userland and kernel (and /etc) are all in
> sync. BUT: I see this when trying to read the manpage for various packages:
> <dive@eros(/home/dive)> % man gperf
> man: Formatting manual page...
> /usr/share/tmac/troffrc:21: can't find macro file `tmac.tty'
> troff: fatal error: can't find macro file safer
> <dive@eros(/home/dive)> % man figlet
> man: Formatting manual page...
> /usr/share/tmac/troffrc:21: can't find macro file `tmac.tty'
> troff: fatal error: can't find macro file safer
> and so on. I look in /usr/share/tmac, and all I have is:
> <dive@eros(/home/dive)> % ls /usr/share/tmac
> doc2html.tmac       mdoc            troffrc
> eqnrc           man.local       mm              troffrc-end

I don't know how you updated, but your userland is incomplete.
It should look like this:
X.tmac          e.tmac          lbp.tmac        mmse.tmac       trace.tmac
Xps.tmac        ec.tmac         lj4.tmac        ms.tmac         troffrc
a4.tmac         eqnrc           m.tmac          mse.tmac        troffrc-end
an-old.tmac     europs.tmac     man.tmac        papersize.tmac  tty-char.tmac
an.tmac         html-end.tmac   mandoc.tmac     pic.tmac        tty.tmac
andoc.tmac      html.tmac       mdoc            ps.tmac         vgrind.tmac
composite.tmac       mdoc.local      psatk.tmac      www.tmac
cp1047.tmac     mdoc.tmac       psold.tmac
doc.tmac        latin1.tmac     me.tmac         pspic.tmac
doc2html.tmac   latin2.tmac     mm              s.tmac
dvi.tmac        latin9.tmac     mm.tmac         safer.tmac

> And doing a make in /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff says:
> <dive@eros(/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff)> % make
> all ===> contrib
> all ===> contrib/mm
> make: don't know how to make
> /misc/tools/20030706/share/groff/tmac/tmac.andoc. Stop

Your /usr/share/mk is not up-to-date either.
tmac.andoc was referenced in older versions of only, the
files were renamed to *.tmac.

Please update your userland.