Subject: Re: 1.6.1 eats memory
To: Martti Kuparinen <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/30/2003 15:57:43
>>>>> "Martti" == Martti Kuparinen <> writes:
Martti> 122232 Kbytes allocated to network (-2% in use)
>> Hmm, maybe you run into the same problem like
>> The only certain way to provoke this (== same?) problem is to
>> run swap on a (raidframe) raid5 partition (which I turned off
>> on our machines
Martti> I don't have raidframe on this host.
But quite the same symptoms! The kernel seems to run out of something
what happens quite rarely. My emphasis was on 'certain way' to trigger
this problem.
So, my comment doesn't help you in a direct way, but maybe it helps to
track down the reason for this problem (if some of the skilled users
would help ;-)).