Subject: Re: Rototil of sysinst partitioning code
To: David Laight <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/05/2003 08:36:17
Thus spake David Laight ("DL> ") sometime Today...
DL> > At the minimum, we should have /, /var, /usr and swap; anything
DL> > left over goes to a hog (/export)? OR have I been spoiled by Sunisms
DL> > over the years? It works, nonetheless.
DL> When did /export come along? not than long ago. home directories used to
DL> go in /home (actually I suspect into /usr longer ago) before moving
DL> to /export/home.
Hence my sunisms question; yes, should be /home, probably.
DL> To have separate /var and /usr you need to know what the system will
DL> be used for. This can only be known by the person installing it.
Not really; it's been common accepted practice for years even in the face
of Big-ass Disks.
DL> If you actually run the code, you'll see that I've really merged
DL> 'custom' with the other options (I should probably delete custom)
DL> so you always get to choose your file system sizes.
That's cool, I like that.
DL> $ du -s /var
DL> 1200102 /var
DL> $
Hm. Mine's at:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sd3d 253999 93271 148028 38% /var
That's my mail server &c.
DL> > I still don't think consolidating / and /usr or, more especially, / and
DL> > /var is a particularly bright idea.
DL> /var (and /home) have not been separated by default (at least on i386).
That's not right, then.
DL> To someone who is installing for the first time 'all the space in one fs'
DL> will make them less unhappy later on.
It will also make them lazy and prone to accept the defaults instead of
providing an example of an intelligent layout upon which they may expand.
/ and /usr should be relatively static; they won't change that much.
Maybe they could be the same fs, but that still makes me twitch in a bad
/usr/local should not live on the same physical partition as /usr, as
with more and more packages it will take more and more space;
/var should not be on the root filesystem at all;
(on a slightly different note...) system logs should not be kept on the
same partition as anything user-writable (including mailboxes);
Perhaps a "reasonable default pre-layout" should be an option for sysinst,
[ ] Default layout (best for first-time users)
[ ] Advanced layout (asks questions to determine best layout)
[ ] Custom (user provides all information, with defaults pre-set)
Putting everything in / is a BIG mistake, IMNSHO. That way lies madness.
Witness Linux.
NetBSD: All your platform are belong to us.