Subject: questions for article on upgrading NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Michael W . Lucas <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/24/2003 09:19:04

I posted last Friday requesting comments on an article on how to
upgrade from -release to -current.  The responses were both helpful
and interesting, but also inconsistent.  In the interest of getting a
"best current NetBSD practice for non-committers" consensus before
publishing, I'm bringing it up here.  My interest is in getting a
clear set of directions that Will Work All Of The Time.

First question: is CVS over SSH or CVS over cleartext preferred?

Second question:

My suggestion for getting the current source code was:

go to a NetBSD FTP mirror
go into NetBSD-current/tar_files/
get pkgsrc.tar.gz and everything under the "src" subdirectory
extract under /usr

This should get you a complete set of recent source code in /usr/src,
and a complete /usr/pkgsrc, with CVS subdirectories all over the

# setenv CVSROOT
# setenv CVS_RSH ssh

Everyone agreed here (except a few with SSH, but that's fixable
depending on the answer to question 1).  Many people suggested
different cvs flags, however.

What I did:

# cd /usr/pkgsrc
# cvs update -dP
# cd /usr/src
# cvs update -dP

I've received comments about doing the following instead.  I believe
these all work, but which is the most correct?

option 1:

cd /usr
cvs co pkgsrc
cvs co src

option 2:

cd /usr/src
cvs update -dAP
cd /usr/pkgsrc
cvs update -dAP

option 3:

cd /usr/src
cvs -d $CVSROOT update -APd
cd /usr/pkgsrc
cvs -d $CVSROOT update -APd

Are these cases of "it just doesn't matter which you use," or is there
a best way of doing this?


Michael Lucas,

           Absolute BSD: