Subject: Re: lfs panic in 13th march current
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/09/2003 06:41:20
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, David Brownlee wrote:

> 	Just reading email (lfs /home) and the machine paniced with:
> lfs_writeinode: last inode addr in current pseg (ino 4707 daddr 0x500109)
> ndupino=1
> lfs_writeinode: last inode addr in current pseg (ino 4712 daddr 0x500182)
> ndupino=1
> lfs_truncate: segment 5116 short by 8192
> panic: lfs_truncate: negative bytes
> 	Anything I should be doing?

	Just repeated it. It was caused by pine truncating a mailbox to
	zero - second panic was:

lfs_truncate: segment 5116 short by 8192
panic: lfs_truncate: negative bytes

	While truncating a different mailbox (in this case not to empty,
	though its possible pine may be be zeroing then extending,
	though hopefully unlikely) the following kernel messages were

lfs_writeinode: last inode addr in current pseg (ino 4712 daddr 0x5029d6) ndupino=1
lfs_writeinode: last inode addr in current pseg (ino 4711 daddr 0x502a55) ndupino=1

	No panic (or apparent problems) with the second mailbox.

		David/absolute          -- No hype required --