Subject: Re: CVS Server status? (I know it's down now)
To: Andrew Gillham <>
From: Tracy Di Marco White <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/31/2003 13:27:06
>On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:10:29PM -0600, Tracy Di Marco White wrote:
>> I don't really consider that down, the machine is swamped.
>> -Tracy
>Ok, well two days of the same error gave me that impression. :)
>I guess I need to try it at a different time.  Perhaps you have a load
>graph you could make available so people could pick an off peak time?

The load average is usually 1-2, with occasional peaks of 10, so that graph
isn't meaningful for knowing when it's swamped, and I don't have anything
monitoring I/O over time, and I/O is the problem.
