Subject: Re: How to build X source?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/18/2002 15:24:33
On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > How does a regular user make "xterm" suid root?
> For those who don't know about it:
> pax now has capability to set the permissions (for the files in the
> created archive file) using mtree specifications. (Thanks to L. Mewburn.)
> For example, my destdir's passwd(1):
> -r-xr-xr-x  2 reed  src  17800 Nov 19 12:08 usr/bin/passwd
> Then the METALOG file (built via the script) used by the
> pax to create a tarfile contains:
> ./home/src/usr/bin/passwd type=file mode=04555 uname=root gname=wheel
> So software in the tar sets can be setuid root. Now extracting and
> preserving this info must be done as root.

The very next release of XFree86 is supposed to be cross-buildable, so
at some point, we'll want to support all that in "xsrc". I gather you
just have to add "-U -M ${DESTDIR}/METALOG" to the install flags to
generate the metalog, but the "pax" man page, as of NetBSD 1.6K,
doesn't yield any clue as to how to use that feature.
