Subject: Re: UVM/other problems for desktop users in current?
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/18/2002 18:36:57
On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 09:01:29AM -0600, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Jukka Marin wrote:
> > No. Is it safe? Does it help with NFS (server, client)? I use it in /tmp,
> > but I haven't been brave enough to enable it elsewhere.
> "softdeps" are safe. I don't use "mfs" for "/tmp" anymore at all, by
> the way, after getting another freeze last week, just as it filled up
> (and yes, on a current enough 1.6_STABLE that the "mfs" is mounted
> "sync"). On my little 486's running 1.6K, giving up "mfs" seems to
> make a huge difference in stability. (One is running X, another is the
> NFS server -- I don't try to run mozilla :-).)
Does "softdeps" help the NFS server? Ie. does nfsd access the local disk
just like any other application, through the buffer cache?
How about the NFS client? Can I use softdeps with NFS? (I guess I could
just try it out :-)