Subject: Re: Did I miss a thread on and the "-E" flag?
To: Ronald van der Pol <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/17/2002 08:49:19
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 09:58:20PM +0100, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
  | On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 12:51:42 -0800, Bill Studenmund wrote:
  | > > > There's a solution for this now; after a "make DESTDIR=/foo build" do
  | > > > 	cd distrib/sets
  | > > > 	make DESTDIR=/foo INSTALLDIR=/ installsets
  | > >
  | > > I thought we were supposed to use I am still confused about
  | > > the "right" way to upgrade from sources.
  | > 
  | > You can also:
  | > 
  | > -D /foo .....
  | > cd distrib/sets
  | > make DESTDIR=/foo INSTALLDIR=/ installsets
  | > 
  | > Yes, is the right thing to do.
  | Thanks, I will try this next time. 'make ... installsets' does
  | not overwrite my config files in /etc?

It will not overwrite your config files in the default invocation.
If you passed INSTALLSETS="base etc comp man misc text games" to
make (or any other value of INSTALLSETS that contained 'etc') it
would, just like if you extracted the "etc.tgz" set...

  | So, this is the recipe:
  | -D /foo
  |  cd distrib/sets
  |  make DESTDIR=/foo INSTALLDIR=/ installsets
  |  etcupdate

That should work.  (I use "postinstall" instead of "etcupdate", but
the latter invokes the former so that's not a problem).

I anticipate adding an extra feature to to add the
"installsets" functionality as an option.  (I was waiting to
see how the functionality worked for people first).