Subject: Dynamically Linked NetBSD-Current
To: None <>
From: Jeff Flowers <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/11/2002 09:34:32
On 22 September 2002 it was announced [1] that NetBSD-Current was, by
default, a fully dynamically linked OS. Since then I haven't seen much
mention of this change, even browsing through the current mailing-list

I was curious how this is working out for everybody. Obviously the
system is smaller now because of this change but how about system
performance in comparison to 1.6 release? Also, will this change
eventually be part of NetBSD 1.6.1?

(Personally, I am looking forward to this for security reasons. I was
using OpenBSD a long while ago when a security fix effected a library
that was also found in a number of the system's statically linked
binaries. A totally dynamic system would have made that an extremely
easy fix.)

Thank you,

Jeff Flowers
