Subject: Re: checkflist entires.
To: Ceri Storey <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/08/2002 08:12:19
On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 01:09:48PM +0000, Ceri Storey wrote:
> It seems that the flist checks don't take into account various settings
> I have in mk.conf, thus causing the build to fail, when in fact there's
> nothing wrong. It's the MKDYNAMICROOT and MKLINT setting that are
> throwing it off, I believe.
> Everything's built fine, it's just misleading information.

Yes, this is a known issue.  The same is true for just about any
other setting that changes the files built; for example MANZ,

Although harmless, it's a little annoying that it now causes errors
for a build as well; until somewhat recently it only mattered when
making a release.
