Subject: RE: webcam/NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/15/2002 12:00:02
> On Nov 14, Danial Carosone wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 09:11:24AM +0100, Thomas Runge wrote:
> > Well, there are Linux drivers, afaik. But the list of supported
> > cams is limited (my d-link seems to be not supported) and we
> > still have the problem of porting the drivers.
> try pkgsrc/graphics/vid, at least the DESCR suggests it might be useful.
> I don't have one, and haven't used the pkg, I just happened to
> notice this while looking for something else entirely, and
> remembered the question.
I've tried in vain to get vid to work, even going as far as hacking bits
out of the Linux driver and putting them in (vid seems to send different
things to the camera to initialise it). However, it initialises the camera
(the LED comes on!), opens the asynchronous ugen device and then just
blocks when attempting to read data.
I've tried Trust SpaceC@m 200 and 300 cameras which look like pretty standard
OV511+, OV76x0 cameras.