Subject: Re: Large drives and reasonable newfs options
To: BOUWSMA Beery <>
From: Petter Lindquist <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/07/2002 15:34:24
On Sun, 6 Oct 2002, BOUWSMA Beery wrote:
> [IPv6-only mail address; remove the obvious in case of need to reply
> if you're not capable of doing so directly]
> > newfs -g500m -i1m -b16k -f2k /dev/wd2e
> > gives me a flying system with almost no meta data waste.
> > It gives me kernel panics. I've played around quite a lot with newfs, a=
> Is it possible you're running into the same problem I saw, with a
> divide-by-zero, or something similar, as you're overflowing some
> 32-bit numbers? Does it happen when you `mkdir'?
Yep, it's the mkdir that gives me the panic.
> I experienced this problem under FreeBSD and NetBSD, reported it to
> the lists for both (search the archives) and made a patch which I
> don't think made it public, but I'll happily supply on request.
Yes please!
/P=E5llen -