Subject: Re: HEADS UP: i386mp branch merged
To: Frank van der Linden <>
From: Andy R <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/01/2002 11:58:22
--- Frank van der Linden <>
> I just merged Bill Sommerfeld's i386mp branch into
> i386/-current. The
> code should work fine on 1-CPU systems, and quite
> well on a lot
> of multiprocessor systems (certainly the newer
> ones).
I apologize if this is a newbie kind of question, but
I was under the impression at some point that NetBSD
was going to implement MP in some machine independent
sort of way. Is this still the case or is it going to
be implemented in a port by port basis? I'm pretty
sure I've seen MP work on a Sparc and an Alpha under
This may have already been answered, I apologize if it
has. But this is the first time I've been made aware
of MP code going into the current branch so maybe it's
worth addressing.
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