Subject: Re: racoon.conf
To: None <>
From: KAWAMOTO Yosihisa <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/02/2002 10:00:25
On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 18:14:46 +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
> but in racoon.conf.sample:
>         encryption_algorithm 3des, cast128, blowfish 448, des, rijndael ;
> .. and what does that 448 mean?

A key length?

In racoon.conf(5):

             as the separator.  For algorithms that can take variable-length
             keys, algorithm names can be followed by a key length, like
             ``blowfish 448''.  racoon(8) will compute the actual phase 2 pro-
iKAWAMOTO Yosihisa!