Subject: Re: Building release question.
To: Hisashi T Fujinaka <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/24/2002 17:25:45
On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:26:01PM -0700, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
| I decided to try the following (which I think is what I did before) but in
| a shell file;
| #!/bin/sh
| ./ -u -O /disk/0/obj/i386 -d -D /disk/0/build/i386 -R /disk/0/release/i386
| And I get the error:
| > ./usr/share/man/man9/simple_lock_unlock.9
| checkflist: flist inconsistencies found
| checkflist: key to output:
| < file in flist but missing from DESTDIR
| > file in DESTDIR but missing from flist
| *** Error code 1
| I've been trying the same thing for a couple of days, re-cvs-ing, but
| still no joy. Should I just delete directories and try again?
the error is telling you that the file
is present in your DESTDIR but not listed in the file list (`flist').
this condition usually occurs because the listed file is now obsolete (*).
to solve the problem, you could either:
a) rm /disk/0/build/i386/usr/share/man/man9/simple_lock_unlock.9
b) remove your entire DESTDIR directory and start from scratch.
i recommend trying `a)' first :)
(*) we need to examine the "make obsolete" flist stuff, but only after
the "a.out->ELF" `obsolete' stuff is yanked from the obsolete.* files.
i hope that helps,
Luke Mewburn <>
Luke Mewburn <>
Wasabi Systems - NetBSD hackers for hire
NetBSD - the world's most portable UNIX-like operating system