Subject: Re: Linux emulation and NFS
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/22/2002 07:11:35
In article <>,
	Paulo Alexandre Pinto Pires <> writes:
> I have been watching the problem with Linux emulation and NFS.  I saw
> that sys/compat/linux/common/linux_file64.c, as of r1.17 and 1.18, has
> notes that say that some workarounds have been removed,

The work arrounds that have been removed are not related to the NFS problem.
They were required in the 32Bit system call and copied to the 64Bit version
although they are not necessary.

> ... and that the problem with NFS is somewhere else.

Jaromir: did I miss your summary on this on "tech-kern" or didn't you post
         it so far?

	Kind regards

Matthias Scheler