Subject: SUP Server problem
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/15/2002 17:11:39
Thanks to Manuel, I suceeded to set up a repository in an other place
than /usr, but when I try to get the files, I got the error message :
"SUP: Invalid release"

I'll take doc collection only as an axample. Others (src, pkgsrc, xsrc)
are identical

1- What I've got on screen :

Server :
[root@aragorn root]# May 15 16:46:35 aragorn supfile[29875]: Invalid release

Client :
[root@frodo root]# sup -v /etc/supfiles/doc.list 
SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for file /etc/supfiles/doc.list at May 15 16:46:35
SUP Upgrade of current-doc at Wed May 15 16:46:35 2002
SUP Fileserver 8.13 (4.3 BSD) 29875 on at 16:46:35
SUP: Invalid release doc for collection current
SUP: Upgrade of current-doc aborted at May 15 16:46:35 2002

2- The config file on the client is :
current release=doc hostbase=/home/ftp/pub/NetBSD/cvs \
base=/usr prefix=/usr delete use-rel-suffix

3- The server setup :

daily script :
    #! /bin/sh
    export CVS_RSH CVSROOT
    cd /home/ftp/pub/NetBSD/cvs/doc
    /usr/bin/cvs update -dP
    /usr/sbin/supscan current /usr

Note that this tasks runs without any problem, and generate scan files,
as shown below

The setting files :
    omitany *~
    omitany */CVS*
    omitany *.o
    omitany */tags
    upgrade doc
    rsymlink doc


    doc list=list/doc scan=scan/doc prefix=/home/ftp/pub/NetBSD/cvs

And supscan generates this file :

    40755 1021437012 1021437012 doc
    100644 1021350620 1021350620 doc/3RDPARTY

I can't see what's wrong ...


Xavier HUMBERT  -  Systemes et Reseaux     |
INJEP                                      |