Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5ZC and IPF
To: Bernd Ernesti <>
From: Bruno Saverio Delbono <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/25/2002 11:25:18
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Making, drinking tea and reading an opus magnum from Bernd Ernesti:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 09:45:07AM -0700, Bruno Saverio Delbono wrote:
> > Hello All,

> >     A few issues I saw when I installed the latest -current
> >     snapshot (i386):

> >  - The current snapshot of NetBSD includes IPF 3.4.25 which is
> >  missing a major part -> the H323 proxy. I had to really struggle
> >  to get it working on a 486 box with -current

> The H323 proxy is not stable =3D> Disabled in the NetBSD system

IMO (and the ipfilter@ list), I've seen a lot of work and improvement
in the H323 proxy code and which is why I think it should also be
included with NetBSD.

Darren - As for the license, I went over QNX OCL v1.0 about 3 times
now and I've no objectable reason on why NetBSD -core might have a
problem including the H323 proxy code for IPFilter. However, I am CC'g
licensing@qnx just to be sure and ascertain if they may have any
objections to it.

I would really like to see H323 proxy with IPFilter included by
default on NetBSD.

Kind Regards,



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3.155  x  10^7, you won't even try to remember it.  On the other hand,
who could forget that, to within half a percent, pi seconds is a
		-- Tom Duff, Bell Labs

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