Subject: Re: FreSSH
To: Nathan J. Williams <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/08/2002 01:53:21
At 1:40 AM -0500 3/8/02, Nathan J. Williams wrote:
> (Peter Seebach) writes:
>>  I don't think I've had a bounds overflow problem in C in ten years.  It's
>>  just not that hard to avoid, *if* you understand what you're doing.
>1) I don't believe you. You are not infallible.

And that's pretty much what my point was in this thread. OpenBSD 
developers are also not infallible. Just because there has been an 
exploitable security issue found is no reason to have people jumping 
up & down to rip out their code. Especially when there's no 
reasonable guarantee that the replacement will be any more/less 
vulnerable to the same mistakes as the status quo (and given that the 
proposed replacement code hasn't been touched in forever...).

Just my thoughts,
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.