Subject: Re: probleme bulding current
To: Xavier HUMBERT <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/11/2002 11:28:50
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On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 04:37:52PM +0100, Xavier HUMBERT wrote:
> From an user point of view, it is.
Presuming that user actually wants to run -current on the build
system. I didn't, and this hangup made it impossible to use that
machine to build -current (actually, just a kernel) for a separate
(slower) machine.
> Much better, I agree. But as an immediate workaround bootstrapping
> includes is a solution to compile the userland right now.
I didn't really even want to do that, and I certainly didn't want
the newer includes installed on my older system.
I never meant to be disgracing anybody. I'm well aware that things
break regularly and that the correct answer is to fix them. What I
like about NetBSD is that, more often than not, they're fixed the
right way in a fairly short period of time (which is true here). But
only if someone says something when they break. :^>
gabriel rosenkoetter
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