Subject: Re: wi(4) interoperability, 104bit WEP key patch
To: Tod McQuillin <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/03/2002 06:02:15
Tod McQuillin <> wrote:
> > The original air port cards were only 40 bit. Apple made available a
> > firmware upgrade to the client side card (i.e. the card in my mac) to
> > enable 104bit WEP. When I tried it against a 104bit basestation (not an
> > airport basestation though) I couldn't get it to work.
> >
> > I'm wondering if anyone can report success with this. I could be
> > missing something stupid.
> I have an iBook with original 40-bit Airport card, using FreeBSD as a
> basestation (not really a basestation -- ad-hoc mode).
> After installing Airport 2.0 software from Apple, I was able to use
> 104-bit WEP keys at both ends.
> So I can confirm that the Airport 2.0 software from Apple does appear to
> flash the firmware of the Airport card to support 104-bit WEP. Whether
> this works with any other OS besides MacOS, I can't say.
Since we're talking interoperability, I've brought this up before... Has
_anyone_ been able to get a linksys 802.11 card to successfully talk to
an orinoco gold? My two linksys's can talk to one another just fine,
and they did fine talking to whatever infrastructure they had at Usenix
in Boston. When I plug my Orinoco Gold in and configure it, it doesn't
see any traffic but the other hosts can see when the Orinoco host tries
to ping. ie: a linksys can see the ARP packets but the orinoco doesn't
appear to see the response. I brought home a Win95 laptop and installed
the drivers from Lucent's site and the situation got worse. With the
Orinoco in a W95 laptop, the two Linksys cards could no longer see
one another. Checking 'wiconfig' I would see this:
Current BSSID: [ 02:ce:c3:d1:a4:f2 ]
Instead of the usual:
Current BSSID: [ 00:00:00:00:00:00 ]
As soon as I unplug the orinoco from the Windows box, deconfigured the
linksys's and reconfigured them, everything would be fine again.
Am I missing something?
With the 2 linksys's working, wiconfig shows:
NIC serial number: [ 99SA01000000 ]
Station name: [ NetBSD WaveLAN/IEEE node ]
SSID for IBSS creation: [ NetBSD IBSS ]
Current netname (SSID): [ NetBSD IBSS ]
Desired netname (SSID): [ ]
Current BSSID: [ 00:00:00:00:00:00 ]
Channel list: [ 2047 ]
IBSS channel: [ 3 ]
Current channel: [ 3 ]
Comms quality/signal/noise: [ 0 27 27 ]
Promiscuous mode: [ Off ]
Port type (1=BSS, 3=ad-hoc): [ 3 ]
MAC address: [ 00:04:5a:0c:89:d4 ]
TX rate (selection): [ 11 ]
TX rate (actual speed): [ 2 ]
Maximum data length: [ 2304 ]
RTS/CTS handshake threshold: [ 2347 ]
Create IBSS: [ Off ]
Microwave oven robustness: [ 33 64549 0 ]
Roaming mode(1:firm,3:disable): [ 1 ]
Access point density: [ 1 ]
Power Mgmt (1=on, 0=off): [ 0 ]
Max sleep time (msec): [ 100 ]
WEP encryption: [ On ]
Authentication type
(1=OpenSys, 2=Shared Key): [ 1 ]
TX encryption key: [ ]
Encryption keys: [ xxxxxxxxxx ][ ][ ][ ]
Any ideas?