Subject: Re: Why not change disk naming?
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <juli@klamath.local>
List: current-users
Date: 12/30/2001 11:28:33
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On Sun, Dec 30, 2001 at 05:10:37PM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
> Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 20:25:51 +0100
> From: Julio Merino <>
> Message-ID: <20011228202551.C728@klamath.local>
> | PD: I still think that NetBSD naming scheme is not as powerful as the
> | FreeBSD one...
> No, the NetBSD scheme is more powerful than FreeBSD's. But like many
> things with more power, it is also harder to use.
> To see the more power - imagine you have a desire to have a partition
> that spans two "slices" for whatever reason. Easy in NetBSD, impossible
> in FreeBSD. On the other hand, there's nothing that the FreeBSD scheme
> can label that the NetBSD scheme can't also label.
> The principle of the NetBSD scheme is that there is exactly one label
> that matters, and it describes how the drive is divided up. Other labels
> that might exist on the drive have (or should have) nothing at all to do
> with NetBSD - they're for some other OS to use (though tools like mbrlabel
> can make extracting info from them, and including it into the NetBSD
> label, a little easier).
Well, this seems very logic from this point of view... and interesting :)
> The other problem you had - mbrlabel scribbling on FreeBSD's label indica=
> some major fault with your installation. NetBSD shouldn't be noticing the
> FreeBSD label at all - it should simply be being ignored. (On the other
> hand FreeBSD notices and uses NetBSD labels - or did last time I tried - =
> needs to because of its "labels restricted to slices" philosophy).
> Most likely you don't have the NetBSD "slice" correctly labelled as being
> NetBSD in the MBR label - or you have the FreeBSD slice incorrectly label=
> as being NetBSD. That is, you should have one MBR type that is 165, and
> one that is 169 in the setup you have described (165 for FreeBSD, 169 for
> NetBSD).
You are forgetting that FreeBSD is on disk wd0 and NetBSD on wd1. And I've
checked and both OS'es have their MBR slice type setup properly. Remember
that I don't have a NetBSD disklabel on the first disk, nor a FreeBSD
disklabel on the second one (though FreeBSD is able to read NetBSD
Any help will be appreciated! ;)
> kre
La ignorancia es la felicidad.
Julio Merino (Slink) <>
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