Subject: Re: cntlaltdel on console
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/28/2001 22:54:06
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On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 01:28:06PM -0800, Michael Graff wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson <> writes:
> > It would be easy to add.  Go ahead and do it. :-)  (To your copy of Net=
> > I mean.  I don't want it.)
> I do.
> If it's sysctl'able, what's the real harm?  I've had to reboot several
> times where I didn't have DDB installed (or it was disabled) but I
> wanted to do a cleaner than "reset" shutdown.

I asked this some time ago and I was told that this has been discussed
lots of times. Why hasn't it been included? Because it won't work on all
platforms. I really would like this feature to be available, just for
non-screen computers (pc's).

Though I'm getting used to su to root and then shutdown from there...
well, you should only reboot once a day, as much ;)

If you implement it, I would be interested... and I may try to help.


> --Michael

La ignorancia es la felicidad.

Julio Merino (Slink) <>

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