Subject: Re: Heads Up: via IPv6
To: None <>
From: Feico Dillema <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/2001 01:09:53
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 09:52:38PM +0100, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> FYI, it seems we're the first (and only) BSD project that offer both IPv4
> and IPv6 connectivity to it's main web server, To
> emphasize this, there is now an icon "IPv6 enabled!" on the front page. 
Nice! Maybe we also are the first with a mirror that sync's over IPV6? (our
mirror does ;).

> We're still working on a "see the dancing daemon" feature - if someone
> knows how to implement that, we'll be happy to hear about it. (We already
> have the anim-gif ;-)
Cannot you define a VirtualServer for IPv4 and one for IPv6, and
have a different Alias for the start page? That allows for different
main pages (although how we use it, only when URL / is used, and not
when /index.html is requested directly). Anyway, if you get it to
work, please let me know so that I can add it to our IPv6 mirror: 
