Subject: Re: xfree86 in pkgsrc? (Was: Re: UUCP removal from OpenBSD)\
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Jaromír <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/06/2001 12:28:42
Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Martin Husemann <> writes:
> > If xsrc needs perl to build, xsrc should become a/some pkg(s) with proper
> We cannot do that.
> We need to maintain our own xsrc, or we won't have x servers for a
> wide variety of platforms. And no, maintaining 20Mb patch files in
> pkgsrc does *not* constitute source control.

The idea is to have the majority of our changes fed back to XFree86
tree, so that number of differences would be kept minimal as time passes.
Having it in pkgsrc would make it very clean which changes are 'ours'
and thus need to be fed back.

It would be cool to be able to have X in pkgsrc and not maintain
our own mutation per-se. It would be interesting to note how many
actual differences there are in our tree compared to XFree86 tree.
Too bad I don't have wide enough internet pipe to check that myself
- any volunteer?

Jaromir Dolecek <>
NetBSD - just plain best OS! -=*=- Got spare MCA cards or docs? Hand me them!