Subject: Re: Tracking 1.5.1 ?
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/01/2001 12:16:41
In <20010730222511.B478@krishna> you wrote

> To get the latest and most stable branch (1.5.1_ALPHA), use -r netbsd-1-5:

Well, I'm a CVS dummy, I'm learning it on a personal server, on which I try
to add some driver stuff, in that case I clearly need CVS.

For a prod machine, imho, SUP is better, since it can be executed by a
nightly crontask which fetches the sources, and compiles a fresh kernel for
administrator's breakfast :-)

So, your suggestion is to use release-1-5/allsrc as collection/release ?

NOTE : A good thing would be a chart showing equivalences between 
collection/release in SUP and reltag/modules in CVS.


Xavier HUMBERT  -  Systemes et Reseaux     |
INJEP                                      |