Subject: Re: Why not track our xsrc with X11R6.6 from
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/19/2001 02:01:05
[ On Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 01:13:34 (-0400), R. C. Dowdeswell wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Why not track our xsrc with X11R6.6 from 
> ``X is fast enough for me already''
> 	I'll actually agree that when I was doing the accelerations
> 	for the TGA on my multia, once I got the screen to screen
> 	copy done, my major incentive was gone.  It was fast enough.

Thanks!  That was much more eloquent and to the point than my attempt to
talk about the issues from the perspective of human eye perception!  :-)

(I don't understand all the issues and nor do I know where all the
bottlenecks are, but I'll note that netscape can animate even dozens of
GIFs on my NCD's screen over a 10mbit/s half-duplex ethernet far faster
than my eye can follow any one of them!  :-)

							Greg A. Woods

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