Subject: Re: scp and .profile in 1.5.1_ALPHA
To: Charlie Allom <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/07/2001 21:38:48
On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Charlie Allom wrote:

> hang on, I have .bashrc symlinked to .profile !
> is that sshd opening up my shell, then doing the bashrc stuff?


> either way, why did this not happen before? I have had my system
> like this for a long time now.

What was the previous sshd?

My only guess is that your previous sshd didn't use your user shell and
defaulted to /bin/sh -- so .bashrc wasn't even used.

Also, .profile is for logins and .bashrc is for all interactive bash uses.
(For example, every time you open an xterm, it was probably doing your
fortune -- probably not what you intended.)

   Jeremy C. Reed