Subject: Re: Processes getting stuck in disk wait on current currents
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2001 16:58:09
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 03:36:06PM -0800, Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
> Manuel Bouyer writes:
> > On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 07:50:51PM -0800, Chuck Silvers wrote:
> > > this kinda looks like the IDE driver is losing the i/o...
> > > even if the hardware isn't responding, I would still think the
> > > driver should time out the request eventually.
> > Wolfgang, do you have another device on the same IDE channel as the
> > dump device ?
> Let me try to shed a bit more light here. If there is any more info
> that would be useful please speak up.
> Let me put this on a web page, since I don't think anyone enjoys a
> 1k-line email message.
> tests I've done so far:
> boot-time dmesg:
> kernel config files (nested)
> the "hang" directory is listable. I'll put any newly requested crap
> in there.
Ok. So it looks like you can still access the disk.
Could you try a 'dd if=/dev/rwd0d of=/dev/null bs=64k' while it's hung ?
Let it run until it reaches the end of disk if possible.
But as the disk is still alive I don't think the problem can be in the
IDE driver; although I'll look again tonigth.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.