Subject: Re: xterm v. xterm-old
To: Greywolf <>
From: Thomas Dickey <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/08/2001 20:27:13
On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 04:44:57PM -0800, Greywolf wrote:
> [gr removed by request]
> # perhaps you don't agree with my wording - but the point is correct.
> # 
> # > .Xdefaults/.Xresources (the latter is preferred) is loaded once per session
> # > and ONLY IFF THE DEFAULT SESSION, however it is started on your system,
> # > happens to call xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources.
> # 
> # I tested it before I emailed, just to be certain that .Xdefaults is
> # loaded dynamically (I changed the font to 12x24, which is easy to test).
> # This is all I've got in my $HOME/.Xdefaults -
> That's strange; I just did the same thing and my xterms keep coming up
> with the default font as set up in the server.  Does this only work if
> you *don't* do the xrdb?

The way it was explained to me is that the xrdb sets all those values in
the server (actually I recall being told the root window), and once set,
the resources are as you noted already available to the server, so it
doesn't need the dynamically-loaded stuff.  (At the time, we had an in-house
group that was developing widgets - and a style guide - and xrdb was frowned
upon because it made the system inflexible).

> How in the world did you get this to work?  I've never, in my own decade
> of working with X, seen this.  Is something else somewhere manually
> calling xrdb?

maybe - that TurboLinux system was calling xrdb on its own via the system
resources - or something like that - I didn't record the place I fixed,
and don't readily see it on that system, since I installed gnat and some
other stuff.
> 				--*greywolf;
> --
> *BSD: the devil finds work for idle cycles.

Thomas E. Dickey <>