Subject: Re: build problem - multibyte.c
To: Jaromír Dolecek <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/13/2001 13:03:46
Jaromír Dolecek <> writes:
> Chris G. Demetriou wrote:
> > so, fix the warnings, then; don't break our make so that again it's in
> > the situation that it doesn't warn about a class of user makefile bugs
> > that every other make that i could find _does_ warn about.
> I'd point out that the log message did not even _mention_ addition
> of this warning nor any reasoning for it. It took me a while to find
> out which particular change caused the warnings to appear. Since
> the change was not dicussed and seemed as a byproduct, disabling
> it seemed natural.

The log message said:

PR/11800: Chris Demetriou: Add -W flag to exit on parse warnings.
While I am here, s/make:.*"/%s:\1", progname/

That was incomplete, I guess.

The PR itself is, in my opinion, pretty clear about what the patch
supplied there does, and why.
