Subject: Re: silo overflows
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/16/2000 21:51:38
On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 09:02:21AM -0400, Joseph Sarkes wrote:
> This is something I haven't seen for a LOOOONG time.
> I just got an asus A7V motherboard and 850 MHz athlon, 
> moved my hard drive over from the P233 that was my netbsd
> machine, and now have silo overflows. What gives? Is this
> a hardware problem or is something in the works on -current
> right now that is causing this? Compiles run a LOT faster
> on this machine now, but... I did notice that changes had
> been made in the defaults in GENERIC, which I use as a
> template for my own config. Has something changed on the 
> serial port configuration? I can tinker with this a bit, but
> I have NEVER seen silo overflows on my P233 system, and it
> seems to me that a faster machine should be LESS likely to 
> have them. If there is any way to fix this via configuration,
> please drop me a line. If it is the motherboard doing this, 
> then perhaps it is repairable, either via software, or by
> asus fixing the problem. Thanks. 

What other activity has the machine when you see the overflows ?
It could be hardware related; maybe the I/O chip is at lower priority
than other devices ...

Manuel Bouyer <>