Subject: Re: High Point HTP370 IDE Help
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/02/2000 21:55:40 (Manuel Bouyer) writes:
> Hum, I can't see why you would need to do this. I regulary switch my
> ATA/66 drives between ATA/33 and ATA/66 (and even ATA/100)
> controllers without troubles.

Perhaps he is seeing some unrelated BIOS problem?

I have an old Intel Venus Ppro motherboard that always seems to need
to have the drives rebuilt when I put them in there.  I can't get it
to boot from a transplanted drive with a valid Netbsd bootstrap and
FS.  If bombs out claiming "No OS".  This is even after playing with
the Venus board's BIOS settings for drive access (LBA, C/H/S,
extended, whatever-we-think-of-next) I can only get it to boot a drive
if I actually fdisk/disklabel/install the software from that
motherboard.  All the other motherboards I have aren't that picky.

       Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
Coming soon: GPS mapping tools for Open Systems.