Subject: Re: Wireless ethernet advise requested....
To: None <>
From: Gopi D Flaherty <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/02/2000 01:35:54
Excerpts from mail: 1-Oct-100 Re: Wireless ethernet advis.. by Ted 
> The airport doesn't take an external antenna.  Not a problem when
> you're using it to replace internal wiring.   The airport costs $300 -

Actually, the standard Lucent card it has internally has an antenna
socket on it, and people have hooked up the ~$100 omnidirectional
antennas from Lucent into them.

I'm pretty sure that the internals of the Airport base station are
entirely out-sourced.  I believe there is or will be a PC company
selling one (in a much blander, probably beige case).  THe device also
uses an 80186 as a CPU.


[       Gopi Flaherty       |   "...and if I opened my heart to you     ]
[    |        and showed you my weak side,       ]
[ Computer Science Major    |             what would you do?"           ]
[ Author of NewtKey, the Newton Keyboard driver for Newtons with OS 1.x ]
[     Check out      ]
[  (c) Gopi Flaherty 2000 Not for distribution on the Microsoft Network ]