Subject: xdm login screen problems with XFree 4.0.1 and NetBSD-1.5Alpha2
To: None <,>
From: John Hayward <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/31/2000 08:50:57
Dear NetBSDers and XFree86 People,
   I donwloaded source for XFree 4.0.1 and was happy to see it built out
of the box.  I can run startx so things are basicly operational.
   If I fire up xdm I briefly see the cross hatch background then the
screen turns white and I do see xconsole down in the bottom right.  No
login box or prompts appear.  If I enter user and password (typing blind)
I get logged in and window manager starts up.
   Anyone have any ideas on what might be causing these problems of
greeter within xdm?