Subject: Dual booting...
To: None <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/30/2000 19:27:37
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I just installed the NetBSD i386/1.5_ALPHA2 snapshot on a spare partition
on my laptop, and the boot selector seems not to have done anything.
I can boot from a floppy and say "boot wd0a:netbsd" and it works, but
on booting I don't see anything useful happening. There is one point at
which I see naught but a cursor in the top left position, and it seems
that if I hit "escape" there it'll wait around. Maybe this is a boot
menu that's for some reason not displaying?
FWIW, this is a Compaq Armada.
Can someone point me to documentation for what we're using as a boot
selector? Is this osbs? In any event, is there a way I can play with it
from the NetBSD side?
Thanks in advance!
(I'm setting this up for use at SANS. Any NetBSD folk gonna be there?)
Mason Loring Bliss (( "In the drowsy dark cave of the mind drea=
ms )) build their nest with fragments dropp=
ed (( from day's caravan." - Rabindranath Tago=
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