Subject: Re: crypto move?
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Kimmo Suominen <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/19/2000 12:20:00
I was thinking of how to keep this working in a backward-compatible way.
+ Kim
| From: Chris Tribo <>
| Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 12:12:31 -0400
| On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Kimmo Suominen wrote:
| > I don't agree with this. It was a mistake in the first place for
| > "allsrc" to include crypto. It should be in the security release.
| > This will help any countries that need to avoid the crypto code.
| > For others it is just one more line in the supfile, as before.
| > I would very much like to keep it this way.
| >
| > + Kim
| Um, that would be really backward IMHO. Does the word allsrc not
| imply "All Source Code" to you? I think src-crypto-all and src-nocrypto
| are absolute no brainers, as well as how allsrc has just been changed. Why
| would you have the default option not include crypto for the seven
| countries that can't vs. the rest of the world?
| Chris
| >
| >
| > (Noriyuki Soda) writes:
| >
| > | > I thought the -security branch for sup was dead. i.e. no need to a sepa
| rate
| > | > dist anymore.
| > |
| > | Yes, the "security" release for sup was dead.
| > |
| > | > Tonight though on my regular sup the entire crypto tree
| > | > disapeared during the allsrc and reappeared when my old security sup
| > | > kicked in.
| > |
| > | This was mistake, and corrected now.
| > | The "allsrc" release should have the crypto tree, and the "security"
| > | release shouldn't have it.
| > |
| > | Please remove the "security" release from your supfile.
| > | If your supfile preserves the "security" release, the crypto tree
| > | will be removed again on next sup.
| > | Sorry for inconvenience.
| > | --
| > | soda
| > --
| > _ _
| > | |_(_)_ __
| > | / / | ' \ Kimmo Suominen
| > |_\_\_|_|_|_|
| >