Subject: Re: Questions regarding dump
To: Grey Wolf <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/18/2000 21:09:05
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Grey Wolf wrote:

> 1.  Is dump supposed to rewind/eject the medium if possible between
> volumes?
> 2.  Are we ever going to effectively obsolete the size/density parameters
> so that it just detects EOT if they are not specified, or are we going
> to remain in the dark ages where all tapes are 600 bpi, 1200 ft reels?
> Yeah, I know, I'm one to talk about the dark ages, but I think there's
> a difference between adapting to current technology and tacking on chrome
> where none's needed.  This one ain't chrome.

	The linux dump and I believe the FreeBSD one both support -a,
	I'm sure if you copy some BSD licenced code across it would make
	it into the tree...

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