Subject: Re: kvm_nlist() lookup failed for symbol '_cp_time'
To: None <>
From: Bernd Ernesti <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/30/2000 11:18:35
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On Thu Jun 29 23:17:30 2000, Markus Kurek wrote:
> Hi,
> I get this on NetBSD-1.5_ALPHA  compiled from sources of June, 26th.
> >xosview 
> xosview: kvm_nlist() lookup failed for symbol '_cp_time'.
> xosview: safe_kvm_read() was attempted on EA 0

Get xosview 1.7.3 from
and apply the attached patch.

I send an earlier patch on Monday to Brian but heard nothing from him yet.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: 'diff' output text
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xosview-1.7.3.patch"

*** ./bsd/	Tue Jul  6 06:09:30 1999
--- ./bsd/	Fri Jun 30 09:45:26 2000
*** 28,35 ****
  #include <err.h>                /*  For err(), warn(), etc.  BCG  */
  #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/dkstat.h>         /*  For CPUSTATES, which tells us how
-                                       many cpu states there are.  */
  #include <sys/disk.h>		/*  For disk statistics.  */
--- 28,33 ----
*** 60,73 ****
  #include <sys/malloc.h>
  #include <sys/sysctl.h>
  #include <sys/device.h>
  #include <vm/vm.h>	/* XXX  Is this needed?  */
  #include <sys/vmmeter.h>	/*  For struct vmmeter.  */
  #include <unistd.h>		/*  For swapctl proto.  */
! #include <vm/vm_swap.h>		/*  For swapent, SWAP_*.  */
  #include <stdlib.h>		/*  For malloc(), free().  */
--- 58,84 ----
  #include <sys/malloc.h>
  #include <sys/sysctl.h>
  #include <sys/device.h>
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ <= 105010000)
  #include <vm/vm.h>	/* XXX  Is this needed?  */
+ #endif
  #include <sys/vmmeter.h>	/*  For struct vmmeter.  */
+ /*  For CPUSTATES, which tells us how many cpu states there are.  */
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+ #include <sys/sched.h>
+ #else
+ #include <sys/dkstat.h>
+ #endif
  #include <unistd.h>		/*  For swapctl proto.  */
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104000000)
! #include <sys/swap.h>		/*  For swapent, SWAP_*.  */
! #else
! #include <vm/vm_swap.h>
! #endif
  #include <stdlib.h>		/*  For malloc(), free().  */
*** 100,107 ****
  //  This struct has the list of all the symbols we want from the kernel.
  static struct nlist nlst[] =
! // BSDI reads cp_time through sysctl
  { "_ifnet" },
  #define DUMMY_0
--- 111,118 ----
  //  This struct has the list of all the symbols we want from the kernel.
  static struct nlist nlst[] =
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI) || (defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000))
! // BSDI and __NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000 reads cp_time through sysctl
  { "_ifnet" },
  #define DUMMY_0
*** 344,355 ****
  BSDGetCPUTimes (long* timeArray) {
    struct cpustats cpu;
    size_t size = sizeof(cpu);
    static int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPUSTATS };
    if (!timeArray) errx (-1, "BSDGetCPUTimes():  passed pointer was null!\n");
    if (CPUSTATES != 5)
--- 355,375 ----
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+ BSDGetCPUTimes (u_int64_t* timeArray) {
+ #else
  BSDGetCPUTimes (long* timeArray) {
! #endif
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI)
    struct cpustats cpu;
    size_t size = sizeof(cpu);
    static int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPUSTATS };
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+   u_int64_t cp_time[CPUSTATES];
+   size_t ssize = sizeof(cp_time);
+   static int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CP_TIME };
+ #endif
    if (!timeArray) errx (-1, "BSDGetCPUTimes():  passed pointer was null!\n");
    if (CPUSTATES != 5)
*** 360,365 ****
--- 380,391 ----
      bzero(&cpu, sizeof(cpu));
    bcopy (cpu.cp_time,timeArray,sizeof (long) * CPUSTATES);
+ #elif (defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000))
+   if (sysctl(mib, 2, cp_time, &ssize, NULL, 0) < 0) {
+     fprintf(stderr, "xosview: sysctl failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+     bzero(cp_time, ssize);
+   }
+   bcopy (cp_time,timeArray,sizeof (u_int64_t) * CPUSTATES);
    safe_kvm_read_symbol (CP_TIME_SYM_INDEX, timeArray, sizeof (long) * CPUSTATES);
*** ./bsd/	Mon Jan 25 21:14:33 1999
--- ./bsd/	Thu Jun 29 19:40:27 2000
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  void BtryMeter::getpwrinfo( void ){
    struct apm_power_info buff;
+   float minutes_left, max_left;
    int error = 0;
    int loadinfo = open(APMFILENAME, O_RDONLY, 0);
*** 60,89 ****
    error = ioctl(loadinfo, APM_IOC_GETPOWER, &buff);
    if (error != -1) {
!     fields_[0] = (float)buff.battery_life;	// percent left
!     fields_[1] = 100.0 - fields_[0];		// percent used
!     float minutes_left = (float)buff.minutes_left; 
!     //    minutes_left = (percent_left/100.0) * max_minutes;
!     //    minutes_left / (percent_left/100.0) = max_minutes;
!     //    minutes_left * 100.0 / percent_left = max_minutes;
!     float max_left = minutes_left * 100.0 / fields_[0];
!     //
!     // Set total_ so that the graphing methods know to set the
!     // relative sizes of the percent left and percent used graphs.
!     //
!     total_ = 100.0;
!     //
!     // This sets the actual number of minutes left.  If the resource
!     // xosview*batteryUsedFormat is "float", then xosview will display
!     // that number to the left of the battery graph.  If it's
!     // "percent", then you get the percent remaining next to the
!     // graph.
!     //
!     setUsed(minutes_left, max_left);
--- 61,97 ----
    error = ioctl(loadinfo, APM_IOC_GETPOWER, &buff);
    if (error != -1) {
+     if (buff.battery_state != APM_BATT_ABSENT) {
!       fields_[0] = (float)buff.battery_life;	// percent left
!       fields_[1] = 100.0 - fields_[0];		// percent used
!       minutes_left = (float)buff.minutes_left; 
!       //    minutes_left = (percent_left/100.0) * max_minutes;
!       //    minutes_left / (percent_left/100.0) = max_minutes;
!       //    minutes_left * 100.0 / percent_left = max_minutes;
!       if (minutes_left == 0) {
!         // This fix a bogus warning when the apm bios doesn't know
!         // the correct remaining time.
!         minutes_left = (float)0.01;
!       }
!       max_left = minutes_left * 100.0 / fields_[0];
!       //
!       // Set total_ so that the graphing methods know to set the
!       // relative sizes of the percent left and percent used graphs.
!       //
!       total_ = 100.0;
!       //
!       // This sets the actual number of minutes left.  If the resource
!       // xosview*batteryUsedFormat is "float", then xosview will display
!       // that number to the left of the battery graph.  If it's
!       // "percent", then you get the percent remaining next to the
!       // graph.
!       //
!       setUsed(minutes_left, max_left);
!     }
*** ./bsd/	Tue Jul  6 06:07:09 1999
--- ./bsd/	Sun Jun 25 18:56:22 2000
*** 14,30 ****
  // $Id:,v 1.17 1999/07/06 04:07:09 bgrayson Exp $
! #include <sys/dkstat.h>         //  For CPUSTATES #define.  BCG
  #include <stdlib.h>		//  For use of atoi  BCG
  #include "general.h"
  #include "cpumeter.h"
  #include "kernel.h"             //  For NetBSD-specific icky kvm_ code.  BCG
  CVSID("$Id:,v 1.17 1999/07/06 04:07:09 bgrayson Exp $");
  CPUMeter::CPUMeter( XOSView *parent )
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_FREEBSD) || defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI)
  : FieldMeterGraph( parent, 5, "CPU", "USR/NICE/SYS/INT/FREE" ){
  #define FREE_INDEX 4
--- 14,38 ----
  // $Id:,v 1.17 1999/07/06 04:07:09 bgrayson Exp $
! #include <sys/param.h>		// Needed for __NetBSD_Version__
  #include <stdlib.h>		//  For use of atoi  BCG
  #include "general.h"
  #include "cpumeter.h"
  #include "kernel.h"             //  For NetBSD-specific icky kvm_ code.  BCG
+ //  For CPUSTATES #define.  BCG
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+ #include <sys/sched.h>
+ #else
+ #include <sys/dkstat.h>
+ #endif
  CVSID("$Id:,v 1.17 1999/07/06 04:07:09 bgrayson Exp $");
  CPUMeter::CPUMeter( XOSView *parent )
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_FREEBSD) || defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI) || \
!   (defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000))
  : FieldMeterGraph( parent, 5, "CPU", "USR/NICE/SYS/INT/FREE" ){
  #define FREE_INDEX 4
*** 72,84 ****
    static double lastTotal = 0, lastLastTotal = -1;
    //  Begin NetBSD-specific code...  BCG
    long tempCPU[CPUSTATES];
    BSDGetCPUTimes (tempCPU);
    cputime_[cpuindex_][0] = tempCPU[0];
    cputime_[cpuindex_][1] = tempCPU[1];
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_FREEBSD) || defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI)
    // FreeBSD seems at least to be filling cp_time[CP_INTR].  So, we add that
    // as another field. (pavel 25-Jan-1998)
    cputime_[cpuindex_][2] = tempCPU[2];
--- 80,97 ----
    static double lastTotal = 0, lastLastTotal = -1;
    //  Begin NetBSD-specific code...  BCG
+ #if  defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+   u_int64_t tempCPU[CPUSTATES];
+ #else
    long tempCPU[CPUSTATES];
+ #endif
    BSDGetCPUTimes (tempCPU);
    cputime_[cpuindex_][0] = tempCPU[0];
    cputime_[cpuindex_][1] = tempCPU[1];
! #if defined(XOSVIEW_FREEBSD) || defined(XOSVIEW_BSDI) || \
!   (defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000))
    // FreeBSD seems at least to be filling cp_time[CP_INTR].  So, we add that
    // as another field. (pavel 25-Jan-1998)
    cputime_[cpuindex_][2] = tempCPU[2];
*** ./bsd/kernel.h-orig	Fri May 29 23:21:36 1998
--- ./bsd/kernel.h	Sun Jun 25 18:25:33 2000
*** 38,45 ****
--- 38,50 ----
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ >= 104260000)
+ void
+ BSDGetCPUTimes(u_int64_t* timesArray);
+ #else
  BSDGetCPUTimes(long* timesArray);
+ #endif
*** ./bsd/pagemeter.h-orig	Tue Oct 20 21:37:35 1998
--- ./bsd/pagemeter.h	Fri Jun 30 09:45:00 2000
*** 22,28 ****
--- 22,30 ----
  #include "fieldmetergraph.h"
  #if defined(UVM)
  #include <sys/param.h>
+ #if defined(XOSVIEW_NETBSD) && (__NetBSD_Version__ <= 105010000)
  #include <vm/vm.h>
+ #endif
  #include <uvm/uvm_extern.h>
  #include <sys/vmmeter.h>
*** ./config/	Wed Nov 17 08:08:20 1999
--- ./config/	Sat May 27 19:31:33 2000
*** 112,118 ****
  	@echo UVMyes
!   uvmstring=`make -f confmkfile`
    rm confmkfile
    if test x$uvmstring != x ; then
--- 112,118 ----
  	@echo UVMyes
!   uvmstring=`make -f confmkfile all`
    rm confmkfile
    if test x$uvmstring != x ; then
*** 127,133 ****
      dnl  Before choosing non-UVM, check for some uvm-only symbols
      dnl  in the currently-running kernel.
      AC_MSG_WARN(['UVM=' not found in /etc/mk.conf.  Checking /netbsd for uvm symbols...])
!     if test x`nm /netbsd | grep uvm_sysctl` != x ; then
        AC_MSG_WARN([*Enabling* UVM -- 'uvm_sysctl' symbol found in /netbsd.
    If this is in error, remove the define of UVM=1 from CXXFLAGS
--- 127,133 ----
      dnl  Before choosing non-UVM, check for some uvm-only symbols
      dnl  in the currently-running kernel.
      AC_MSG_WARN(['UVM=' not found in /etc/mk.conf.  Checking /netbsd for uvm symbols...])
!     if test x"`nm /netbsd | grep uvm_sysctl`" != x"" ; then
        AC_MSG_WARN([*Enabling* UVM -- 'uvm_sysctl' symbol found in /netbsd.
    If this is in error, remove the define of UVM=1 from CXXFLAGS
*** ./config/	Wed Nov 17 07:30:25 1999
--- ./config/	Sat May 27 20:16:01 2000
*** 56,69 ****
  ##  These next lines look really ugly.  The echo statements are an
  ##    attempt to make the output look a little nicer.
  install: xosview
  	@echo "***  Installing executable..."
  	@echo "***  Installing application defaults..."
  	@INSTALL_DATA@ Xdefaults $(XAPPLOADDIR)/XOsview
  	@echo "***  Making sure $(MANDIR) exists..."
  	@if [ ! -d $(MANDIR) ]; then \
  	  echo "***  Making $(MANDIR)..."; \
! 	  mkdir $(MANDIR); \
  	@echo "***  Installing man page..."
  	@INSTALL_DATA@ xosview.1 $(MANDIR)
--- 56,77 ----
  ##  These next lines look really ugly.  The echo statements are an
  ##    attempt to make the output look a little nicer.
  install: xosview
+ 	@if [ ! -d $(BINDIR) ]; then \
+ 	  echo "***  Making $(BINDIR)..."; \
+ 	  mkdir -p $(BINDIR); \
+ 	fi
  	@echo "***  Installing executable..."
+ 	@if [ ! -d $(XAPPLOADDIR) ]; then \
+ 	  echo "***  Making $(XAPPLOADDIR)..."; \
+ 	  mkdir -p $(XAPPLOADDIR); \
+ 	fi
  	@echo "***  Installing application defaults..."
  	@INSTALL_DATA@ Xdefaults $(XAPPLOADDIR)/XOsview
  	@echo "***  Making sure $(MANDIR) exists..."
  	@if [ ! -d $(MANDIR) ]; then \
  	  echo "***  Making $(MANDIR)..."; \
! 	  mkdir -p $(MANDIR); \
  	@echo "***  Installing man page..."
  	@INSTALL_DATA@ xosview.1 $(MANDIR)
*** ./Xdefaults-orig	Wed Nov 17 06:53:01 1999
--- ./Xdefaults	Sat May 27 19:47:00 2000
*** 29,34 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  xosview*loadProcColor:      seagreen
  xosview*loadIdleColor:      aquamarine
  xosview*loadPriority:       20
+ xosview*loadAlarmThreshold: 2
  xosview*loadCritThreshold:  5
  xosview*loadWarnThreshold:  2
  xosview*loadDecay:          False
