Subject: ifconfig hang in -current
To: None <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/22/2000 11:10:37
I have a Toshiba Satellite 2110CS (486, 16-bit PCMCIA) laptop that I'm
upgrading to 1.5A on. I have a 3COM PCMCIA ethernet card that works
well with 1.4.1 and with 1.4Y (on the boot floppies that I'm using),
but not with -current.
However, with a -current (1.5A) kernel (GENERIC or custom), everything
boots just fine and probes just fine, but when I try to ifconfig
ep0 with an IPv4 address and netmask, I see "pcmcia0: card irq 5"
and then nothing--I never get a prompt back. Control characters
(including interrupt, suspend, etc.) are echoed, but are ineffective.
With PCMCIAVERBOSE (I think), I get detached messages if I pop the
card(s), but that's about it... The custom kernel does not have
cardbus installed.
This Toshiba does not have any audio capabilities beyond the basic
PC speaker (no soundblater, etc., using up a port).
I have tried this with GENERIC and with a custom (~1/2-size) kernel
and various combinations of ep0 and awi0 present or not and in
different slots, but I saw no real difference in behavior. If both
cards are in, they both want to use irq 5 (which is what the ethernet
card and/or modem card used successfully under 1.4.1).
So, again, the ethernet works fine with the install kernel from 1.4Y,
but not with -current. Does anyone know what might have caused this
or have any suggestions on how to debug or further diagnose it? Is
this a known concern? I haven't been able to keep up with current-users
lately, but I didn't see anything in a scan of the archives.