Subject: Re: HEADS UP: softdep mount change
To: NetBSD current-users <>
From: Bjoern Labitzke <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/21/2000 23:38:32
* Frank van der Linden ( [000621 07:08]:
| > > 3) use the old tunefs to disable soft dependencies on any
| > > filesystem you may have set it
| > Why is this necessary?
| Just to be consistent and safe, really. [...]
| Correct. Which is why the softdep flag is still written in the superblock
| if you mount it with -o softdep, and cleared when it is unmounted. So,
Umm, shouldn't that make the tunefs usage unnecessary? When the
unmounting of the filesystem clears the flag, that should be
enough. Or did I get something wrong here?
Bjoern Labitzke <>
Use PGP! (Don't you use envelopes for your letters?)