Subject: Re: Xkernel/sun: bad system call
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/07/2000 00:53:45
On Tue 06 Jun 2000 at 14:54:35 -0700, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Olaf Seibert wrote:
> > I am using Xkernel for my Sun 3/50 and occasionally Xsun crashes with
> > the error message "bad system call". This is repeatable and happens with
> > some programs like gtk-gnutella, or mpeg_play.
> Try ktracing Xsun. [...]

The Xkernel-root.tar.gz distribution (from does not really have anything more than
is necessary for a diskless boot into the X server. Which is normally
pretty good because I don't want to waste any byte of the precious 4M
present in the pizza box. So even if there were a ktrace program, I
suspect ktrace support to be absent.

I just now tried a downloaded snapshot kernel (DISKLESS), which is a
whole 100K bigger than XKERNEL, but it refuses to run init. Maybe
because it is a shell script, or because it does not like the old
/bin/sh (signal 0, exit 2). So now I'm downloading more stuff. But then
it won't like the old Xsun either and I have not spotted a new one yet.

> Take care,
> Bill
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert - rhialto@polder   -- Ah only did well at school
\X/      -- tae git intae an O level class tae git away fae Begbie.