Subject: -current kernel panic since May 28th
To: None <,>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/05/2000 00:16:15
Compiling -current kernels on my sparcbook 3gs was never the problem,
but all the kernels panic since May 28th, at the moment with the
following backtrace:
> (gdb) target kcore netbsd.15.core
> panic: kernel fault
> #0 0xf002c4ec in mi_switch ()
> (gdb) bt
> #0 0xf002c4ec in mi_switch ()
> #1 0xf002bd08 in tsleep ()
> #2 0xf01324a0 in uvm_scheduler ()
> #3 0xf001c178 in check_console ()
> #4 0xf0007218 in cpu_hatch ()
> can not access 0x308394, invalid address (308394)
> can not access 0x308394, invalid address (308394)
> can not access 0x308394, invalid address (308394)
> can not access 0x308394, invalid address (308394)
> can not access 0xefffffd8, invalid address (efffffd8)
> can not access 0xefffffd8, invalid address (efffffd8)
> Cannot access memory at address 0xefffffd8.
Any hint?