Subject: more anoncvs hardware problems?
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/31/2000 17:42:16
Well, I only recently subscribe to current-users, so there's a bit of
a hole in what I've read of it (between mail-index and what's come
since I subscribed, which is basically nothing), so maybe I've missed
some mail about this, but whatever was wrong with anoncvs about two
weeks ago seems to be wrong again:

uriel:pkgsrc/parallel# echo $CVSROOT $CVS_RSH                              [12] /usr/pkg/bin/ssh
uriel:pkgsrc/parallel# pwd                                                 [13]
uriel:pkgsrc/parallel# cvs -d ${CVSROOT} update -P                         [14] Connection timed out
cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

I'll try using a mirror (the changes I want were committed long enough
ago and while anoncvs was still working... I'm sure, because I updated
the pkgsrc tree on another machine Saturday or so), but is there a
current status on anoncvs?

       ~ g r @

PS, that comes off as whiny. I'm not complaining, just curious how
things are going and nothing but grateful that anoncvs exists at all.