Subject: Re: Mountpoint permission bits
To: Paul Ripke <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/30/2000 23:08:30
On Wed, 31 May 2000, Paul Ripke wrote:
# Hello,
# I've tripped over this at work, and brief investigation has shown
# that the following "feature" occurs with NetBSD, AIX and Solaris,
# while DEC UNIX (Tru 64, whatever), SCO and Linux are unaffected.
# I don't have access to any other breeds to test; I don't see it as
# a problem, I was just after a brief explanation from someone in
# the know - I also find it interesting as to which side of the
# fence various Unices fall - representative of code base? Hmm...
Not necessarily representative of code *base*, per se, as much as
representative of code evolution (in the case of SCO and Linux)...
It is also what I consider "historically normal" behaviour --
I've seen it as far back as the SVR2 code base, if you want to draw
along those lines. In fact, I've been bitten by these very permission"features" several times.
# Script started on Wed May 31 22:34:17 2000
# bash-2.02# umount /proc
# bash-2.02# chmod 111 /proc
# bash-2.02# mount /proc
# bash-2.02# su - stix
# stix:bash$ ls -ld /proc/..
# drwxr-xr-x 17 root wheel 512 Jan 10 06:07 /proc/..
# stix:bash$ exit
# logout
# bash-2.02# umount /proc
# bash-2.02# chmod 000 /proc
# bash-2.02# mount /proc
# bash-2.02# su - stix
# stix:bash$ ls -ld /proc/..
# ls: /proc/..: Permission denied
# stix:bash$ exit
# logout
# bash-2.02# exit
# exit
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