Subject: Re: ntp and pps
To: Andreas Wrede <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/12/2000 14:55:54
On Fri, 12 May 2000, Andreas Wrede wrote:
> I am trying to use a GPS clock with ntp 4 in -current on a i386
> platform.
> 1. Configuring ntp.conf with
> pps /dev/gps0 assert hardpps
> server prefer
> gets me
> ntpd 4.0.99i Tue May 9 00:20:10 EDT 2000 (1)
> using kernel phase-lock loop 0001
> refclock_ioctl: time_pps_kcbind failed: Bad address
> refclock_open: fd 10 ioctl failed: Bad address
> configuration of failed
Same thing. I ran into this a while ago, using a gpsclock 200 as the
source. Check the netbsd-help archive...
I've sent off errors and such to, who did most [all?]
of the ppsapi and ntp enhancements for -current. I think he's got very
little copious spare time (tm), so I'm digging around in the mean time.
FWIW, I did some commenting out, and my clock is sync'ed up pretty
nicely. I can send you the patches I made against 4.0.99i of ntp, if
you'd be interrested. Note that it doesn't use hardpps(), but it still
works great on my ss5, 1.4.2.
"There is no fourth tower of Inverness!!!" -Meatball Fulton