Subject: Re: 1.4.2: dump taking forever
To: Simon J. Gerraty <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/15/2000 16:00:06
On Sat, Apr 15, 2000 at 12:07:53PM +1000, Simon J. Gerraty wrote:
> Is anyone seeing problems with dump on NetBSD-1.4.2/i386?
> I have:
> Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a      396171   319981    56381    85%    /
> /dev/sd0e     1498316  1328142    95258    93%    /u0
> mfs:203         28991     1400    26141     5%    /tmp
> kernfs              1        1        0   100%    /kern
> /dev/sd1e     1674428  1323419   267287    83%    /share
> /dev/sd2d      956480   872357    74557    92%    /d2
> /dev/sd3d     4301742  3780779   477945    88%    /u3
> /dev/sd1a      247535   108648   126510    46%    /sd1a
> I use amanda for backups.  sd2d has not had a successful backup since
> I upgraded to 1.4.2 (from 1.3.2) and I'm using the same amanda
> binaries.  Other fs's backup ok.  I'm out of town right now and a

Can you give more details on your setup ? Is the tape drive on the same
machine ? Do you have an olding disk ?

I've got similar problems and I had to downgrade my amanda server to 1.3.3
to get it working again.

Manuel Bouyer <>