Subject: Re: Strange X11 keyboard problem (was: Re: kernel build failure 4/1/2000)
To: Johan Ihren <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/03/2000 17:55:46
You wrote (in your message from 3)
> PS. Short summary of our keyboard problem:
> * i386 -current (from around 1.4P and onwards). But I'm not saying it
> started there, only that WE started there.
> * Intermittently the keyboard "hangs". Only in X mode. Most often the
> "hang" implies "no input", but sometimes it hangs in an endless
> repeat of the last key pressed. Shooting down the X server (from
> another machine) fixes it (at a certain cost). When "dead" switching
> virtual terminal doesn't work (no surprise).
Are you using xdm ? In this case you probably have a getty process
fighting with the X server for server input.
You should configure a wscons console for the X server, but not enable
getty for it in /etc/ttys.