Subject: VIA MVP3 IDE controller support?
To: None <>
From: Jared D. McNeill <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/14/2000 22:01:39
I just transfered a hard drive from my K6 to my Cyrix MII 333, running
NetBSD/i386 1.4U. The kernel for some reason is detecting wd0 as well as
wd1 and wd2, even though only one hard drive is connected. Just before
where it's supposed to mount the root filesystem, I get a bunch of pciide
lost interrupt errors for the non-existant drives. I dropped in the 540
meg hard drive from my 486 (running NetBSD 1.4.2) and the system is
running fine. I'm not sure however if this is an issue with -current or if
it has anythign to do with the fact that the -current kernel was using
pciide and this kernel has no pciide support. Anybody know what the
problem might be?


Jared D. McNeill <>, ICQ: 343885
Systems : sun           | Cyrix MII 333, NetBSD-current
        : blackhole     | Intel 486SX 33, NetBSD 1.4.2
        : neptune       | AMD K6-233, Windows 98 SE
        : mars          | Intel 486DX 100, Linux 2.2